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  • 2019-12-01
    Mary Y. Gibson
    This dress/cover-up is perfect for the cruise.
  • 2019-12-01
    Mary Y. Gibson
    This dress/cover-up is perfect for the cruise.
  • 2019-07-09
    Great at an affordable price
  • 2019-07-09
    Great at an affordable price
  • 2019-07-17
    Wore this in France and received many compliments!
  • 2019-07-17
    Wore this in France and received many compliments!
  • 2019-06-27
    LH in Ohio
    This was cute when I first tried it on. It had a small spot on the back, after I washed it in cold water, the black stripes had faded to gray. Looks terrible now.
  • 2019-06-27
    LH in Ohio
    This was cute when I first tried it on. It had a small spot on the back, after I washed it in cold water, the black stripes had faded to gray. Looks terrible now.

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